with a hinged tower
Saltvik Parallelogram
lifting device
Parallelogram lifting device with a hinged tower was developed by Kristian Saltvik, and he managed to include it in the Norwegian Road Administration / Road Directorate's standard. With a hinged tower you can easily tilt the cabin forward without disconnecting the plow and parallelogram device. Simply release the bolt that locks the tower, tip forward and the cabin is free.

The parallelogram lifting device is produced according to the Norwegian Road Administration / Road Directorate's standard.

It is a strong and stable junction between the plow and the vehicle and it holds the plow stable on the road.
The parallelogram weights 147 kg, including oil in hoses and the cylinder
One year of warranty
Saltvik parallelogram lifting device is delivered with changeable wear plate
For the price information, please contact our office:
+47 76 95 28 00
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